Susanne Flyckt


Susanne enjoys constantly learning new things and driving business transformation.

Susanne Flyckt


Susanne enjoys constantly learning new things and driving business transformation.


"Companies that are good at cooperation will most likely succeed."

Please Introduce Yourself

I have a background in the service industry, with ten years in banking and fifteen in transportation and logistics. My experience is driving transformation processes and I often work with clients on governance and business development.

Which are the Main Challenges Facing Business Today?

Everything is changing faster and faster, including technology, customer behavior, processes and ways of working. Globalization and digital are key drivers and the companies who can’t cope with rapid change will lose.

For example, we’re all encouraged to work differently, even if we’re not always being prepared for it. In the professional context there’s generally less planning, training and education, and more learning by doing. We just get on with it. This is generally positive, and improves the pace at which we can change, but it can be negative for some. The challenge therefore is to adapt oneself and find team players who are curious to learn new things.

Which are the Main Opportunities?

First of all we can see the positive effects of international business. 

In the long run, it’s a positive thing that boundaries are eroded. People are able to work together, all over the world, and all the tools we need are adapted for use cross border, cross culture and cross function.

Then there are exciting new business models growing up that will change whole industries. Companies that are good at cooperation will most likely succeed, while those who try to work in isolation, protecting themselves, will probably fail. And this is connected to the fact that people are moving between companies at a much faster pace than ever before.

What are Your Professional Drivers?

I like to learn new things, see how to improve and find the path forward. For me it’s about creating value for the clients and stakeholders you’re working with. That’s fun.


Susanne Flyckt

Susanne Flyckt